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Want a better laundry detergent

Are you concerned about the synthetic chemicals found in your laundry detergent? The typical laundry detergent is a sea of unhealthy ingredients including petroleum distillates, phosphates, chlorine, EDTA, surfactants, and phenol's. Worst of all, when you use these laundry detergents to wash your family’s clothes, you may be left with chemical residue on your skin. This is of particular concern if you have children since they’re growing bodies may be more susceptible to the effects of the chemicals found in laundry detergent. Fortunately, there’s a safer alternative. This alternative comes in the form of “soap berries” which are derived from the Chinese Soap-berry tree species closely related to the Bodhi Tree. (the tree the Buddha sat under while meditating).

soap berries

This tree that produces the soap berry is grown without pesticides or other toxic chemicals and provides work and a livelihood for farmers living in Indonesia, India, and Taiwan. The soap berry or soap nut is the dried fruit derived from the Chinese Soap-berry tree which has been shown to release a natural surfactant when dampened. It’s this surfactant that’s so effective in getting clothes clean naturally. The soap berries actually foam up when wet and reportedly does an excellent job of cleaning clothes without added fragrances, dyes, or chemicals. Soap berries have even been used medicinally in other countries and are an ingredient in a variety of Ayurveda shampoos and cleansers.

The use for the remarkable soap berry doesn’t stop with just cleaning clothes. Soap berries can also be used to make a natural dog dog shampoo and to clean various surfaces throughout the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and throughout the house without fear of exposing your family to harmful chemicals.

Although the soap berry is more expensive than the typical, synthetic laundry detergent found at your local supermarket, a kilogram of soap berries can wash up to one hundred and fifty loads of laundry which makes the price around twenty-five cents per load. This would seem like a small price to pay for clean laundry and peace of mind.

If you want to wash your next load of laundry with soap berries, where can they be purchased? Although you probably won’t be able to purchase soap berries from your local supermarket or even a health food market, they can be purchased at a few sites online. One such source is Better Life Goods who offers a kilogram of soap berries or soap nuts for just under $30.00 which should clean at least 150 loads of laundry. After reading a variety of comments and testimonials, it seems this soap really does clean as well as conventional laundry detergents. Who would have ever thought! There’s actually a soap that grows on trees.

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