Tips To Help Manage Your Family’s Laundry
Life is chaotic enough without adding the never-ending list of household chores. One of the most important, yet difficult household chores is keeping up with the family laundry. Your family’s laundry doesn’t have to take over your life. By following these simple tips, you can gain control of the pile.
- Wash two loads of laundry every weekday. You may need to adjust this depending on the size of your family. Following this tip will keep you from taking all day Saturday and Sunday to do load after load of laundry.
- Fold and put away the laundry as soon as it comes off the clothesline or out of the dryer. The smell of fresh air dried clean laundry is wonderful. Capture the freshness by folding and putting away the laundry right after it is finished. It will make your bedrooms smell wonderful and you won’t have to worry about wrinkles later. By putting the laundry away, right away, you avoid having to re-fold or re-wash laundry that is confused for dirty laundry days later.
- Put a color sorted laundry basket in each bedroom. Cut out the chore of sorting the laundry by using the color sorted laundry basket as a hamper. Teach your children where to put their whites, colors and dark's. When you gather their laundry grab one color category at a time to wash.
- Have a basket or box in each bedroom dedicated to clothes that can be re-worn. Washing lightly worn clothes is a waste of time and energy, but getting children to put their clothes back after wearing them once is very difficult. Designate a basket for clothes that have been worn but could be worn again before washing. This will help to cut back on the amount of clean clothes that get thrown in the wash on accident.